All requests are performed via an HTTPS connection and responses are returned as JSON. All responses will contain a success parameter. This parameter will indicate whether the requested operation was successfully completed or if an error was encountered.

Always check the response status code to ensure the request was successfully received and successfully handled.

Success Response

All success responses follow the same schema:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "result": "deliverable",
    "message": "This address can receive emails.",    
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "user": "support",
    "domain": "",
    "accept_all": 2,
    "role": 1,
    "free_email": 0,
    "disposable": 0,
    "spamtrap": 0,
    "success": true

In the response, you’ll find the result parameter. This parameter will indicate the status of the email.

Understanding Results

Result CodeDescriptionSafe to send?
DeliverableValid emailYes
UndeliverableNot a valid emailNo
UnknownUnable to verifyMaybe

Email address exist and is accepting emails. This is confirmed by communicating via SMTP. These emails are valid and safe to send mail.

Email address do not exist or is not accepting mails. Sending mails will result in bounce.

Accept-all, also known as 'Catch-all'. These addresses are not verifiable, as their mail server accepts both valid and invalid addresses. So we cannot definitively verify.

We were unable to definitively verify these emails as their mail servers were not reachable during verification. Unknown addresses are checked multiple times from different locations with varying interval before arriving at this result.

These are temporary email address and should not be mailed as there is a very high chance of email bouncing.

Error Response

All error responses follow the same schema:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

   "result":"Invalid API Key"